Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hellboy's Ending - Injustice 2 (2017)

Image result for injustice gods hellboy endingSomehow, Brainiac shanghaied me on a slow boat to this universe. Bastard had big dreams about me in his "Collection". Guess what I thought about that idea. Taking Brainiac out certainly got folk's attention.

I got a lotta offers to stick around, but I got bored quick. Megalomaniac villains and tights-wearing heroes really aren't my thing. What's it they say? Home is where the heart is? But when I got back, things just weren't the same. The bureau was too small. Was time for me to hit the road.

Africa was totally the right call. The wide open spaces suit me. Clean air, starry skies and, not surprisingly, more than a few monsters to hunt. All in all makes for a pretty good life.

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