Friday, April 12, 2019

Pioneers Statute - Jezebel Mall (Gotham Intel) - Batman: Arkham Origins (2013)

Scandinavian settlers arrived on these islands in the mid-1600s and laboured through harsh winters to build the foundations of Gotham City. There are many tales about what these settlers endured - from encounters with mystical beings to fights over Native American burial grounds. Much of Gotham's early history has been garnered through folklore passed down orally during those first trying years. Eventually the British took over the settlement.

While Cyrus Pinkney and Solomon Wayne sought to construct a Gotham that was a fortress against evil and corruption, Cyrus also drew upon the story of these pioneers, who persevered against all manner of hardships, and stayed true to their vision of making a life for themselves in the New World. Solomon saw their plight as an allegory for his own religious experience.

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