Saturday, April 13, 2019

Payback - Batman: Arkham Knight (2015)

Penguin yelped as his foot broke through a sodden floorboard. Moments later one of his bodyguards burst into the room, brandishing a pistol.

"I heard a scream!" He saw Penguin trying to extricate himself. "Boss, what's wrong?!"

"What does it look like?!"

The bodyguard scrambled to find the words, he hoped it wasn't a trick question.

"Never mind!" Penguin barked. "Just help me!"

Holstering his gun, the bodyguard heaved Penguin free and started brushing the watery pulp from his trousers.

"Get out of it!" Penguin snapped, finding his balance against a window still. Out there, looming above, Gotham's latest monstrosity: Wayne Plaza.

"This was my old man's study," Penguin proclaimed. "It'd kill him if he had to see that poxy thing day and night."

Cobblepot Manor had been derelict for years, left to rot. In Penguin's mind, just the way Bruce Wayne wanted it. A permanent reminder of defeat.

The bodyguard was tugging at a strip of wallpaper. "So I guess we wait for the compensation, huh?"

"Not likely," Penguin scooted back to the broken floorboard, dropped to his knees and plunged his arm into the hole. "You think I'm waiting around for Gotham City to cough up, you got another thing coming."

With that he pulled out a yellowing wad of paper. The deeds to a company operating out of Blüdhaven: North Refrigeration.

Penguin pocketed his ace and lit a cigar. "Don't count the Cobblepots out yet, Mr. Wayne."

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